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Frequently asked questions - Database
  • Can Bi-Cycle analyze data from my database?
  • Can Bi-Cycle analyze data located in different databases?
  • Our CMMS runs on an Oracle database. Would there be any additional software requirements to link to this database?
  • The workorders in my database are not always filled out correctly. How does Bi-Cycle deal with that?

  • Q: Can Bi-Cycle analyze data from my database?
    A: In the fact sheet you can find a list of databases that are supported by BiCycle. This list covers practically all databases.

    Q: Can Bi-Cycle analyze data located in different databases?
    A: Without a problem. It is often the case, in fact, that data related to maintenance is residing in different databases in different locations. This is no obstacle for Bi-Cycle. Currently Barsebäck Kraft nuclear power plant is using Bi-Cycle on data located in 5 different databases.

    Q: Our CMMS runs on an Oracle database. Would there be any additional software requirements to link to this database?
    A: No, Bi-Cycle easily works together with all major systems on the market.

    Q: The workorders in my database are not always filled out correctly. How does Bi-Cycle deal with that?
    A: Unfortunately, it is impossible to analyze erroneous or non existing reports. Bi-Cycle, however, has proven to serve as an incentive to improve the quality of the reporting. With the direct feedback that Bi-Cycle can give, maintenance personnel is shown that others are following up on their reporting, resulting in a higher level of motivation.

    Reference customers:

  • Repsol
  • Scania
  • Statnett
  • Vattenfall
  • Danisco
  • Copyright 1996 - 2016 BICycle BV, all rights reserved.